Cherasco is a medieval town situated on a plateau overlooking the vineyards of the Langhe on one side and the Alps on the other. Surrounded by star-shaped ramparts and built atop a Roman fortress, Cherasco is crossed by perpendicular streets ending in triumphal arches. Its seven churches and numerous noble palaces, famous for their frescos, face towards communal gardens of centuries old plane trees originally planted by Napoleon.
Throughout the centuries, seven peace treaties were signed within Cherasco's impenetrable walls, the most notable being the Treaty of Ultrecht, negotiated and signed by Napoleon during his stay in Cherasco and which inaugurated a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
Cherasco is famous to this day for its long list of illustrious citizens who included the ruling family of Piedmont, the Dukes of Savoy, Lionello Duke of Clarence, Luchino Visconti & Carlo Mazzarino as well as Napoleon Bonaparte. Today it boasts current day royalty such as the Agnellis of Fiat fame, the DeBenedetti of the Olivetti empire and the Marchesa Mentone all of whom you might find yourself sitting next to at one of the excellent local trattorias in town.