Hotel Monastero di Cherasco

Cherasco Points of Interest

Events & MarketsChurches & PalazzosGolfBaci di CherascoLumache

Events & Markets

Fabulous Piedmont offers festivals for every season, many of which re-enact and celebrate medieval history. Kings and Queens, horsemen, damsels, flag throwers and drummers all thrill the public with their retelling of legends, conquests, and defeats.

Cherasco is known for its many markets throughout the year. Visit to view an online calendar.

Churches & Palazzos

Madonna del Popolo
This Baroque church, with its brick façade, was designed by Sabastiano Taricco and built between 1693-1702.  The three aisles are decorated with 18th century stuccos and has beautiful crystal chandeliers.  Neighbor to Hotel Monastero di Cherasco.

San Pietro
Cherascos oldest church, dedicated to San. Pietro.  Built between the 12th and 13th centuries, it was altered during the 18th and 19th centuries.  It still preserves the Romanesque façade in brickwork and marble with reliefs, majolica cups and sculptured heads.  The 3 aisled interior has frescoes by Luigi Morgari in the 3rd chapel to the left.

San Martino
This Romanesque church was built between the 13th and 14th centuries.  The interior, whith ists three pillared aisles, features a 14th century fresco.

San Aqostino
Built in 1672, S. Agostino Church stands next to the Arco del Belvedere, and has a huge beautiful carved wooden door.  The splendid interior features frescoes by Sabastiano Taricco and statues in wood.  It’s exterior is light blue painted stucco.

Arco del Belvedere or Arco Trionfale
This beautiful arch is a Cherasco landmark.  It was designed by Giovenale Boetto and erected between 1647 and 1688 as thanks to the Virgin Mary for protecting Cherasco residents against the Plague in 1630.  A statue of the Madonna adorns the top.  Just around the corner from the Monastero.

San Gregorio
This Baroque church near the center of Cherasco,  houses a noteworthy 13th-14th century Romanesque-Gothic bell tower.

Palazzo Salmatoris
A 17th century Palazzo where the 1631 peace agreement and 1796 armistice were signed.  In 1706, the Savoy family were housed here, as was the Holy Shroud of Turin.  The interior features a majestic staircase and rooms with frescoes by the artist Sebastiano Taricco

Palazzo Gotti di Salerno
A 17th century Palazzo with frescoes by the local artist Aebastiano Tarricco.  Here the civic museum “Giovan Battista Adriani” houses a collection of medals and archaeological findings from Roman era Pollenzo.


Italy, Golf & Wine DO go together! If you are an avid golfer, or aspire to be, AND love wine, you don't have to choose one or the other when you choose a vacation in Italy.

Although it is not well known, Italy — and Piedmont in particular — is an excellent place to play golf; the courses here are plentiful, beautiful and well maintained. Best of all, they are a downright bargain in comparison to similar quality courses in other places. The golf culture is alive and well, mostly due to Fiat founder, Gianni Agnelli's love of golf, and his subsequent building of world-class courses like I Roveri and Torino Golf Club.

Other fantastic courses to consider, are Cherasco Golf Club, La Margherita, Ciliege and Colline Gavi. Average green fees range from about € 35 to € 65. Can't beat it with a stick — golf that is! So bring your sticks and split your days between drinking Barolo & Barbaresco at famous wineries and playing a round of great, inexpensive golf. It's a dream come true, No?

Baci di Cherasco

"Cherasco Kisses" made of hazelnuts and bittersweet chocolate. Visit Pasticceria Lidia Barbero, 72 Via Vittorio Emanuele, to taste this sweet bite of Cherasco. The store is a charming, turn-of-the-century shop, worth a taste and a photo.


Elicicoltura (snail farming) is yet another famous claim for Cherasco. There are restaurants in town that specialize in preparing lumache (snails). The Lumache festival is in late September. Just think Escargot!!